There are numerous credit cards to choose from as a consumer and each has its own benefits or rewards. Assuming regular monthly payments are made, credit card users are able to collect points, travel miles, or even get cash back or groceries from their rewards. annually audits Canadian credit cards and banking accounts to see how they compare. On Wednesday, the company released a survey outlining their top reward credit cards for this year.

Here are the best credit cards of 2019 according to

Best Rewards Card: Scotia Momentum® Visa Infinite* card

• Rewards earned after two years = $1,048.70

Best Rewards Card with No Annual Fee / Low Income Requirements: RBC® Cash Back MasterCard‡

• Rewards earned after two years = $554.54

Best Card for Carrying a Balance: National Bank Syncro Mastercard®

o Interest saved after two years = $296.98

Best Card for Balance Transfers: MBNA True Line® Mastercard® credit card

o Interest saved while paying off balance = $270.17

Best Card for Building Credit: Home Trust Secured Visa Card

Best Card for Students: BMO SPC CashBack Mastercard®

o Rewards earned after two years = $464

Best Card with Travel Perks: CIBC Aventura® Visa InfiniteTM

o Rewards earned after two years = $1,216.63

Best Card for Groceries: American Express CobaltTM Credit Card

o Rewards earned after two years = $1,194.68

Best Gas Rewards Card: Scotia Momentum® VISA Infinite* card

o Rewards earned after two years = $1,048.70

Best Store Card: President's Choice Financial® World Elite Mastercard®

o Rewards earned after two years = $976.91

Fan Favourite Card: President's Choice Financial® Mastercard®

Best Prepaid Card: Koho