The Toronto Community Housing Corporation has released a list of 71 measures to improve the living conditions for its residents.

The TCHC says these 71 measures would “produce tangible and sustained improvements for residents” living in subsidized housing. 

In an announcement on Thursday, the housing corporation said the planned improvements could be implemented by the end of 2015 and into the next year. TCHC says they will improve safety and security, jobs and opportunity for residents and customer service. 

Over the past months, the TCHC says it has reallocated resources and accelerated some planned initiatives so that results would be noticed quickly by residents.

Planned improvements by the end of 2015

According to the TCHC, some initiatives are already underway to “further benefit residents by the end of 2015”

The TCHC say they include:

  • Rebates will be provided to 1,200 rent-geared-to-income households that pay for their own electric heating
  • A new deployment model for Community Patrol Officers will see them permanently assigned to one of 20 patrol zones, resulting in more time in communities with residents
  • 521 of Toronto Community Housing’s 5,500 security cameras will be upgraded to full digital, with 50 additional cameras installed in 17 communities, home to 14,000 residents
  • The Closing the Loop program will be extended to 10,000 residents by the end of 2015 (and across all operating units city-wide by the end of 2016, subject to budget approval); this program contacts residents after repairs are made in their homes so that they can rate the quality of repairs and customer service
  • The contractor/vendor management program has been strengthened to better monitor the quality of work and performance
  • Resident consultations will take place throughout the fall to renew the resident engagement system, define customer service standards and create a Resident Charter
  • After-hours building access will be improved for contractors repairing elevators, and measures will be put in place to reset elevators more quickly after fire alarms
  • Should suggested changes to provincial legislation be enacted, Toronto Community Housing say they will better equipped to aggressively pursue evictions for cause

Click here for the full report, including the 71 recommended improvements.