Ontario's Progressive Conservatives unleashed a new attack ad aimed at Premier Dalton McGuinty on Wednesday night during the Stanley Cup final.

The 30-second ad features an unflattering picture of McGuinty as an ominous voice warns that the premier will hike taxes again if re-elected on Oct. 6.

"Since getting elected eight years ago, Dalton McGuinty has become the taxman, taking more and more out of Ontario family budgets," the voice in the ad said.

The narrator lists a number of levies brought in under McGuinty's watch, including the HST, the health tax of up to $900 per worker and the eco fees on household products that the governing Liberals cancelled last year after a public uproar.

The ad ends with feel-good images of Conservative Leader Tim Hudak. He promises to lower taxes, including taking the provincial portion of the HST off hydro bills.

"I think most people are going to be focused on the game," McGuinty told The Canadian Press on Wednesday. "Let (the Tories) do whatever it is that they choose to do."

The Liberals also bought some advertising time during the crucial game for a 60-second campaign-style commercial that started airing across Ontario last week.

The Liberal commercial features McGuinty's voice – though he is not identified.

Campaign co-chair Greg Sorbara explained there's no need to identify the premier because many people know who he is already.

The ad features music playing over images of factory workers, firefighters and farmers and was unveiled May 30.

The ad will run on television and radio for two weeks across the province, including Chinese and Punjabi stations.

Neither party will say how much they're spending on the pre-election ads, which don't count towards campaign spending limits.

With files from The Canadian Press.