Actor and activist Jane Fonda is in Toronto to support a rally aimed at bringing attention to climate change, employment and justice issues in Canada.
“I’m here to help the people who really need to be heard,” Fonda said. She made a similar appearance last month in Vancouver.
@MerlinSkis A major crowd is gathering as we prepare to start the march #JobsJusticeClimate (
— Brian Gooley (@BRGooley) July 5, 2015
Thousands filled the streets of downtown Toronto on Sunday afternoon as part of the March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate aimed at pushing the government to act on some of the country’s most pressing issues.
The rally focused on climate change and its effect on employment and justice.
The three issues, activists say, are deeply interconnected.
“People say you have to choose between the economy and the climate, but it’s a false choice,” Fonda said. “You can have a stronger, more democratic, healthy economy if you have a healthier climate.”
The rally consisted of a rare coalition of non-profit organizations and activist groups, including a variety labour unions, Greenpeace, Idle No More and religious organizations.
We're here at the #JobsJusticeClimate March in Toronto! @oxfamcanada #womenfoodclimate
— Oxfam Toronto (@oxfamtoronto) July 5, 2015
“This is the kind of coalition that will make the difference,” Fonda said.
Other notable figures taking part in the rally were David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, and Canadian musician Joel Plaskett.
It's about time unions + environmentalists got together to demand action on climate change. #jobsjusticeclimate
— Unifor Canada (@UniforTheUnion) July 5, 2015
Fonda said she hopes recent events such as the wildfires in Saskatchewan and drought in California will help reinforce how pressing of an issue climate change really is.
“We have a very little amount of time to move from a fossil fuel-based economy to a low carbon economy,” Fonda said. “The climate is not an issue. The climate is a civilizational wakeup call.”