Tensions heated up in Caledonia, Ont., after native and local protesters set up two separate road blockades Monday.

Insp. Dave Ross, from the OPP Corporate Communications Bureau, told CTVToronto.ca that the native blockade began around 10 a.m. Monday morning.

The blockade may have been sparked by reports of native arrests in Branford, Ont., which were false.

"There were a relatively small number of protesters and the OPP has subsequently detoured traffic from Argyle Street and Highway 6," Ross said.

Local residents responded by setting up their own road blockade shortly afterwards.

Tempers flared as residents shouted insults, yelling, 'Get out of here,' toward the First Nations protesters.

One local resident ripped a Six Nations flag off a car and was charged with criminal damage and resisting arrest.

The native blockade was pulled back around noon and the local blockade was finally taken down around 5:30 p.m.

The detours affected local traffic but the OPP was encouraging the public to be patient.

In the past, Caledonia has been host to violent clashes between First Nations protesters and local residents over disputed land rights.

Despite the single arrest, this round of protests has been peaceful.

"We are encouraging residents to be patient when met with delays," Ross said. "We do appreciate these are complicated matters and it is our role to preserve the peace."

With a report from CTV's Tom Hayes and files from The Canadian Press