The Lotto Max jackpot is valued at a record $55 million on Friday, the biggest draw for the popular lottery game since the maximum prize was raised earlier this week.

On Monday, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation increased the Lotto Max prize from $50 million to $55 million. The jackpot will be bumped up again at the end of the month to $60 million.

The OLG has also extended the hours to buy tickets. Instead of 9 p.m., people who want to test their luck playing Lotto Max, Lotto 6/49, Ontario 49, Lottario and Encore can purchase tickets until 10:30 p.m.

The OLG says the changes is not about making more money, but rather about added convenience for players across all times zones in Canada.

"It's really about customer service," OLG spokesperson Galit Solomon told CTV Toronto earlier this week.

In addition to the $55-million Lotto Max jackpot, there are 30 $1-million Maxmillion prizes up for grabs. And the Lotto 6/49 prize is worth $35 million.