Toronto police will be conducting an underwater search today in the hopes of locating a missing 70-year-old man who had been charged in connection with alleged acts of neighbourhood parking vigilantism.

Albert Fulton, 70, went missing on July 17.

He was last seen in the exclusive neighbourhood of Wychwood Park, in the Davenport Road and Bathurst Street area. He had been driving a 2001 red Daewoo Lanos.

Police say they will be using a sonar-equipped, remote-operated underwater vessel to search the waters at the rear of the Harbourfront Centre.

Fulton's car had been found in the area a few days ago.

Fulton, a Neighbourhood Watch captain in the Wychwood Park area, had been a historian for that neighbourhood and the Toronto Islands.

In his Neighbourhood Watch role, Fulton had kept neighbours informed about any acts of vandalism, both through emails and a monthly newsletter he produced.

Early in July, police charged him with 10 counts of mischief over $5,000, one count of criminal harassment and one of disguising himself with intent to commit a crime.

They accused Fulton of targeting vehicles that didn't park according to his standards. The charges followed tire slashings, which occurred between November 2006 and this summer.

After he went missing, police said Fulton left behind a note that painted him as a depressed man.