Toronto police are investigating the death of a 21-year-old man who was shot inside a Rexdale apartment building in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Officers were called to a building at 11 Bergamot Ave., near Islington Avenue and Rexdale Boulevard, shortly after midnight.

Police said they arrived to find a man in the lobby suffering from two gunshot wounds.

Authorities said it's unclear what path the victim took inside the apartment building before collapsing in one of its hallways. The man was rushed to hospital but died of his injuries overnight.

Officers dusted the hallway for fingerprints on Saturday and found a handprint close to the lobby. Further prints were taken from outside a door near the building's west stairwell.

Police will not say if the man lived in the building.

Alicia Jno-Baptiste, a resident of the building, said "It's frightening for everybody. It's very sad… for a young man to lose his life like that."

Erick Flores, another tenant, said that sometimes windows or doors get broken into but "that's all. Nothing big or serious, it's the first time."

"This is a surprise for me, actually," said another resident.

No arrests have been made in the case.

It is Toronto's 21st homicide of 2011.

Det. Doug Dunstan said, "We're looking for anybody that may have seen anything, may have heard anything, obviously gunshots, anybody that may have seen someone running from the scene."

Witnesses are asked to call the homicide squad at 416-808-7400 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS.

With files from CTV Toronto's Tamara Cherry.