Less than a week before Rob Ford holds his annual Ford Fest, two of his rivals are calling on the city to reject the mayor`s request for a permit to hold the Scarborough event, saying it violates the city`s election rules.

Mayoral hopefuls Olivia Chow and John Tory say the city should reject the Ford family’s permit request to host the free event at Thomson Memorial Park on Friday. They say it goes against the types of activities that are allowed during an election campaign period.

According to the city's municipal election rules, "no permits, licenses, leases, or any other agreement for the use of City of Toronto facilities, including civic squares and parks, will be issued for the use or promotion of a particular candidate, political party, registrant or a supporter of question on a ballot during an election."

Ford, however, says that the event is held every year and is a family tradition.

"I invite everyone to Ford Fest, even the other candidates if they want," Ford said on Monday. "We've done it every year, not just election years."

He even sent out a Twitter invitation Monday afternoon.

City officials have not issued Ford a permit for the barbecue yet, but say they will likely grant him one because there are "no administrative reasons" to deny him of one.