Dulce Caines was discharged from a Brampton hospital and immediately when to Toronto's hospital for Sick Children, where her five-year-old son Kyus remains in critical condition following a lightning strike.

Both Kyus and 26-year-old Dulce were injured Wednesday, along with a third boy who is only three years old.

The three were in Brampton's Centennial Park. They noticed it was clouding up and started to head home, about a block away.

However, a bolt of lightning struck Kyus. It is believed that Dulce and the three-year-old, who was there with an adult babysitter, were struck by a secondary bolt.

Kyus's grandmother told the Toronto Star that her grandson had been carrying a metal scooter over his shoulder at the time.

Dulce had been hospitalized at Brampton Civic hospital. Kyus went to Sick Kids. His father Oral has never been far from his side. Oral spoke to the media on Thursday, but hasn't given a statement since.

However, the three-year-old boy continues to improve, with his condition upgraded to good from serious. A spokesperson for Sick Kids gave the update on Friday morning.

With a report from CTV Toronto's Jim Junkin