Toronto Mayor David Miller said the city will go ahead with a plan to visit China next month on a trade mission despite the controversy surrounding the country's handling of the Tibet crisis.

At a news conference Thursday, Miller touched on the controversy but said city representatives will still travel to the region to promote investment in Toronto.

"There is no perfect time to visit China," said Miller. "The Olympics are going to be there. The Canadian government is not taking any action to call for a boycott or anything like that. China is the country it is."

Miller is leading a delegation of 15 business and academic leaders on the trip to Beijing, Shanghai and Chongquing. City Councillor Kyle Rae and three other representatives from Toronto are part of the delegation.

The week-long trip will cost the city $70,000.

"This mission implements significant goals and objectives of our Agenda for Prosperity by increasing economic activity in emerging markets with cities beyond North America," Miller said in a news release. "

"The business leaders who helped develop the agenda were clear that we should be taking these initiatives so that we may highlight Toronto as a hub for environmental innovation and a centre for global education and training."

Miller will meet with alumni from both York University and the University of Toronto during his trip. He will also meet with senior municipal leaders.

With a report from CTV Toronto's Alicia Kay-Markson