TORONTO - A man is facing several charges in Toronto after allegedly hitting a six-year-old girl with a van while she was getting off a streetcar.

The incident occurred Sunday afternoon when a man driving a stolen van approached a streetcar from behind in downtown Toronto.

The streetcar driver sounded his bell to warn both the driver and the girl, who was exiting the streetcar through the rear doors.

The van driver didn't stop, and the van's mirror hit the girl, causing her to bounce off the side of the vehicle.

The driver of the van then fled on foot, but a bystander chased him, caught him and brought him back to the scene to be arrested.

Andrew Thurston, 38, of no fixed address, is charged with possession of property obtained by crime, fail to remain, fail to report accident, fail to render assistance at scene of accident, drive with no licence and pass streetcar improperly.