Police are reminding parents of monsters, mummies, ghouls and goblins to be careful this Halloween.

The Toronto Police Service offers the following tips for a safe and happy night of trick-or-treating:

  • A responsible adult with a flashlight should accompany children. Older children should travel in groups.
  • Avoid crossing the street as much as possible. Stick to one side at a time when trick-or-treating.
  • Choose bright, light coloured costumes. Consider adding strips of reflective tape to costumes.
  • Make sure your child's costume fits well and doesn't drag on the ground.
  • If swords or knives are part of their costume, make sure they're made of soft, flexible material.
  • Choose face paint over masks when possible. Masks can restrict a child's vision.
  • Tell children not to go in to strangers' apartments or houses without a supervising adult.
  • Inspect your children's candy before they eat it, looking for previously opened wrappers or wrappers with holes in them.
  • Set a curfew for your children.
  • Wait until evening rush hour is over before going trick-or-treating.

Adults accompanying kids should carry a cellphone in case of emergencies.

For adults planning to hand out candy, here's how to make your home safe:

  • Make sure the entrance to your home is well-lit.
  • Remove anything kids could trip over, such as lawn ornaments, hoses and tools.
  • Keep jack-o-lanterns away from flammable objects, and consider using flashlights or glow sticks instead of candles.