The Ontario Fire Marshal's office has been called in to investigate a fire that has demolished the historic Red Barn Theatre in Jackson's Point, Ont.

The fire broke out around 9 p.m. Saturday night and firefighters were still pouring water on the structure on Sunday morning, according to York Regional Police Sgt. Rob Dettman.

Investigators do not yet know what caused the fire, which completely destroyed the theatre, Dettman told in a telephone interview.

There are also no reports that anyone was injured in the blaze.

"Everybody should have been out of there," Dettman said. "There is no indication that anybody was inside."

York Regional Police officers will spend Sunday canvassing the neighbourhood for information, Dettman said.

The Red Barn Theatre bills itself as Canada's longest-running professional summer theatre and is located near the shores of Lake Simcoe in the Township of Georgina.

The Township of Georgina is located about 80 kilometres north of Toronto.

The building dates back to at least 1877 (the exact construction date is unknown), and it has been used as a theatre since 1949.

Canadian acting greats such as Martha Henry and Jackie Burroughs have appeared at the theatre, which has also hosted readings by the likes of Alice Munro and Peter Gzowski.