A man is being airlifted to hospital following a serious industrial accident near Pearson International Airport.

Const. Marlene Murphy, a spokesperson for Peel Regional Police, told ctvtoronto.ca on Wednesday that she didn't know which hospital the man is being transported to, only that it is likely one with specialized trauma treatment capabilities.

CTV Toronto reported the man was taken to Sunnybrook hospital.

She would only say the man has suffered serious injuries and couldn't say at this point if the injuries are life-threatening.

"There's no indication from the scene," she said, adding a doctor would be required to make that determination.

However, there is evidence to suggest the man has lost at least one leg, CTV Toronto reported.

The incident reportedly occurred shortly before 2 p.m. at a paper products company on 6405 Northwest Dr. in Mississauga, located near Highway 27 and Airport Road.

Firefighters and paramedics also attended the accident scene.

Murphy said the agencies responded because it was an emergency. "Once it's determined to be an industrial, a.ka. workplace, accident, then the investigation gets turned over to the Ministry of Labour. And they have been notified," she said.

Police are currently investigating and speaking to witnesses trying to determine how this happened, Murphy said.

The ministry was asked for comment, but no one returned calls from ctvtoronto.ca.